This application is a Pen Windows based program. It makes use of the two Pen Custom Controls that come with the Pen SDK (HEdit & BEdit). The Language used to produce this application was Microsoft Visual Basic(TM) for Window(TM).
This application is by no means a demonstration of efficient Visual Basic coding techniques. It is solely a demonstration of possible implementations of the Pen Custom Controls on a Pen Capable machine.
- LOANF.EXE ............ Main executable
- PENCNTRL.VBX ..... Pen Custom Control
- VBRUN100.DLL ....... Visual Basic Runtime file
You must also have loaded Windows 3.1 and the Pen Windows SDK on you machine.
The program takes approxamately 39% System resources to run, otherwise you may get a General Protection Fault (GPF).
The application will work best on a 386 33Mhz. or better machine.
Special Features to Note:
- Sign on screen pre-loads all forms so program will run faster
- Double Click on a field to bring up that section's input screen.
- Select Load from the file menu to load in the testfile.
- Select Save from the file menu to save all the data to a testfile.
- Note exclusive functioning of Check Boxes
- Note Smart editing on Calculation field on second screen (repair costs).
- Note Smart editing on Address PopUp inbox screen on State field (Convert to caps).
- On last screen (Date field at bottom), Double click to bring up current date (Reads the form
your Computer).
- Botton at top of main form to delete all fields on current screen.
- Button at top of main form to delete all fields on All screens.
- Print option in File Menu NOT FUNCTIONAL
- The last fields on the last form are HEdit fields. The Recognition has been turned off so it just
accepts the signature. The signature is NOT save to file (not enough time to figure out how to
do it). This could be justified as a security measure and the signature only used when printing
the forms (Feature Not Available).
- Double Click on the Erase Signature bottons to clear to Signature boxes.
Changing Code:
- The source files have been included in the Source directory.
- The sign-on screen can be easily changed to display anything you want. the only code is in the Form_Load event.
- Labels are used to display all entries on the main form. Their properties can be easily changed to display the text in any font or type desired.
Source Files:
- LOANF.BAS (Global Module)
- LOANF1.FRM (Main Form)
- LOANF2.FRM (Sign-on screen)
- PENCTRL.VBX (Pen Windows Custom Control....Load this one before loading Forms)